The Monday after…

Wow, we have had two beautiful and intense days at the Summit. Thanks to everybody for contributing and participating! We were very impressed and really needed this weekend to recover. Although it’s sad that we had to celebrate the end of the Digital Pioneers programme, we are very gratefull that we had the oppurtunity to bring everybody together, share valuable lessons learned and facilitate the making of new fresh plans at the spot. We are now going to write this all down and come back later on this blog with a full report.

Photo by Kennisland.

Already want some first previews?

See the photos we made during Day 1 and the photos made during Day 2. If you made photos yourself, please also tag them with sosm, so everybody can find them.

Someone made a Twapperkeeper archive with #sosm. If you are curious what’s been said on Twitter during the Summit, you can read the Twapperkeeper archive #sosm over here. You can set the start and end date at 28 and 29 October 2010. This archive is origanally created for tags on science of social media. Which is also quit interesting!

The Dutch press published a few articles (in Dutch), here’s a list:
- Dutch Cowboys, 26 October 2010, ‘Social Media pioniers komen samen’
- Trouw, 28 October, p.9.: ‘Meld losse stoeptegel op internet’
- BNR nieuwsradio, 28 October 6.30-6.40 hrs: interview with Umberto Tan in On the move
- Radio 1 NOS Nieuws, 28 October 6.00-9.30 hrs, interview with Marc-Robin Visscher and blog ‘Wereldverbeteraars op de digitale snelweg’
- Erwin Blom, 28 October, ‘Bij het heengaan van digitale pioniers’
- Parool, 29 October: ‘Sociaal betrokken voor je scherm’

More later on this blog!

The Digital Pioneers team