Digital Pioneers Questionnaire now online

In the last few weeks we have been busy making a questionnaire for all pioneers who have been supported since the beginning of the Digital Pioneers program in 2002. Today we sent the questionnaire to some 180 people in our network! And now we are hoping for a big response to make some more sense of 8 years of pioneering in civil society media in the Netherlands…

After a project is finished we keep in contact closely with all pioneers. Some projects grow further in new directions, some stop and some keep doing what they’re doing. With our questionnaire we want to find out more exactly what happened with the projects. We want to find out what the contribution of the Digital Pioneers program was and what needs to be done in the near future for supporting civil society media in the Netherlands. If necessary. And of course how the State of Social Media Summit can play a role in this.

Working on the questionnaire, we had a big clean up of our address book. Going through all our contacts, we must say, some sweet memories of the past hit us. How to make sense of this all? Like in the early days of Digital Pioneers it seemed already very innovative to have a website at all, whereas now in our last rounds to be innovative in the field of civil society media, it seems like you have to come up with some serious cutting edge new technology and/or finding new innovative social applications. It is hard to come up with something what hasn’t been done (completely) already. And of course, you gotta have a credible business model, preferably before your projects is even started…

So please fill in our questionnaire and help us make sense of 8 years pioneering with civil society media. You can fill in the questionnaire until August 22. If you are not supported in the Digital Pioneers program, you can also fill in the questionnaire. We have some questions for you on the future of civil society media and the State of Social Media Summit. Oh, and did we forget to mention we have 25 special Digital Pioneer T-shirts to give away for all respondents?

Find our questionnaire here.