Recommendations for migration and social media

In our search for the state of social media we presented initiatives working on the theme of migration and identified their challenges (see previous blogposts). During the round table conversation several ideas for possible solutions came up we would like to share with you:

  • Create valuable networks of initiatives and people active on the theme of migration. Use existing networktools such as Linkedin or an intermediary website. Look for possibilities for cooperation, businessmodels, exchanging content, promotion etc.
  • Circumvent the regular media by creating news networks based on migrant Diaspora. Connect different ethnic groups to achieve this

  • Take a pro-active stance vis a vis politics and the government. Circumvent top down established interest organisations
  • Take a a pro-active stance vis a vis the mainstream media institutions. Try to cooperate and be a relevant partner. Look for businesspossibilties in this context
  • Approach corporate advertisors for the space on your website
  • Use crowdsourcing strategies
  • Use recognizable talking heads to get donations for particular initiatives
  • Build trust around social media in migrant communities
  • Involve the cultural peer group

We invite you to add your recommendations to meet the challenges for social media initiatives related to migration! Please leave your comments.